aneesa Mahmood

Aneesa Mahmood, born in Pakistan and raised in London is mother to three. The recipes that are prepared at Silver Spoon Kabobs are all her creations, her children and husband were raised enjoying her health conscious dishes and now she shares them with the world. Her signature recipes are her Spinach Potato Curry, Beef Nehari and Chicken Biryani; must try!


Aysha Mahmood

Aysha Mahmood is the daughter of Khalid and Aneesa, she started serving customers at the restaurant at the age of 16 years old, at 22 she came back from studying advertisement at West Virginia University to officially take over. Since May 2015 she has implemented a new table/waiter service, started a successful art gallery, introduced a Vegan/Gluten Free menu and much more you have to come to the restaurant for to see for your self. 

Kabobs grilled and rolled in the naan bread that we bake fresh with tatziki sauce L.T.O and our house dressing, great tasty sandwich for on the go!

Come in and try a nice hot cup of masala tea blended with cardamom, cinnamon, ginger and star anise. (We have regular milk AND almond milk for our Vegan friends!)